Getting my rant on – week 2

So, finally Paramore have announced the dates for their New Zealand tour – March 4 and 5, Auckland and Christchurch. What I want to know is why are they having the Auckland gig at the Telstra Clear events centre? Seriously hard to get to much?

Owl City have been announced as openers for Cobra Starship’s Auckland gig. Now at first I had no idea who this guy was but on further investigation found he is actually super awesome. Think a young Postal Service = RAD. Single “Fireflies” is definitely worth a listen.

Also realised Cobra’s gig is the same day as The Pixies – wonder which I will go to? Probably Cobra as I think Pixies is sold out.

This Is It – finally went to see it, in its last week of viewing. MJ is amazing and it is hard to believe that he was having so many problems in the lead up to his death. I would imagine anyone doing as much dancing and singing as he was, would not have insomnia.

The biggest controversy of this week has been Adam Lambert’s performance at the American Music Awards. After searching Google and YouTube for hours and unable to find a video to show me what actually happened (thanks Dick Clark Productions making copyright claims – you make my life so easy), I came upon a crappy TiVo-ed video camera-ed version. What was supposed to be a S&M-themed performance of Lambert’s debut single “For Your Entertainment” has caused controversy because he kissed a male, fondled his back-up dancers and apparently gave the fingers to the audience (I totally didn’t see that). All I have to say is: GET OVER IT. IT’S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL. As for his song, didn’t really like it, but I may buy his album, just for shits and giggles.

Oh joy. The Feelers are doing another summer tour. Yawn.

Stan won Australian Idol. If you didn’t want to know who won till Friday, tough. Not like it’s been kept a secret. TV One ran a piece on Monday, it was a trending topic on Twitter and 20/20 has a piece on Stan’s past. The media has not made it easy to avoid finding out. I’m just thankful that blond chick didn’t win, because seriously, she butchered a Fall Out Boy song a few weeks ago and didn’t deserve to win.

Loving Miley Cyrus “Party in the USA” – it’s just so catchy. But you don’t gain any cred for mentioning Jay-Z or Britney.

Also bought Gin’s album, still haven’t really listened to it, but what I have, it is really good.